Friday, November 4, 2011


The critters are on the move. Thirty (30) wild turkeys, 4 (four) deer, and now a HUGE skunk wandering down the driveway. That skunk was so big, the white stripe was as easy as pie to spot. Checking all around the house to see if it kept on wandering next door provided no relief. So I went out on the back porch and dropped a few pieces of wood. That's the last critter I want to burrow into the leaves under the deck. This critter-capturing kitty of mine would be sure to try to catch it and bring it inside to play.


Two pieces of great news today:

1. Books-a-Million (BAM!) will open in Bangor today. BAM! took over the lease of the former Borders store at the Bangor Mall. Today's opening is planned to be a quiet event with a Grand Opening later on in November. Dennis, the former manager of Borders, has been hired to be the manager of BAM! and many of the former Borders employees have also been hired.

The Cafe was being installed this past Tuesday as this writer drove by to check on the store's progress. While talking with one of the corporate people on site, I also learned that BAM! will be available for author book-signings. This is GREAT news for Maine authors who are already published and those of us working toward that goal. Stay tuned for more news.

2. AUTOWORKS is so busy in its new location people are booking appointments one and two weeks ahead. The location is clean with an office right in front - just walk up the steps at the front door and there you are. Robbie, Jimmy and Sam are there to help and greet. Such a great business to have here in Eddington. Of course, if the job is small and the need great, with a little patience, people can leave their car overnight and maybe have the service done in 24-hours. Good people - great work quality - and personalized service. You can't beat that.