Monday, January 19, 2009

Planning Committee Info

Re: The Planning Committee Meeting January 13---

I picked up a copy of the Committee's Agenda on Wednesday following the meeting - because I didn't get there. Generally speaking I have a good feeling about the individuals who comprise the Committee, but I thought I should find out how the agenda issues were resolved. Well, no one at the Town Office could tell me - because, it seems, the Committee was not staffed by anyone from the Town Office support staff (!).

Small explanation needed here. The Committee is usually staffed by Denise. Unfortunately, Denise's father-in-law passed away prior to Tuesday's meeting and Denise was out of the office for the week. (Condolences extended.) However, there are two other full-time support staff employed at the Town Office. One would think that one of them would have filled in and staffed the Committee's meeting - ensured the meeting's business was not only tape-recorded, but that notes were taken for proper reference.

On Wednesday when I inquired of Shawna (one of the two remaining full-time staff) as to who staffed the meeting, she didn't know - she ASSUMED the Town Manager was at the meeting. Of course he has his own responsibilities at such meetings and it isn't to staff the meeting but I won't go there at the moment.

Of course, "assuming" is not good under any circumstances - especially when it comes to official government business - BUT especially last week when the Town Manager's father had also passed away the preceeding weekend/or on Monday. (Condolences extended). Therefore the Town Manager was also expected to be out of the office for the week - leaving only Shawna and Chris (the other full-time support staff) to run the Town Office alone. Apparently neither one seemed to think she should fill in behind Denise at the Planning Committee meeting. (I could make comment here for the need of staff function redundancy since it was not the first time/instance when some function assigned to Denise couldn't get done because she wasn't available, but I think the point has been made.)

Failing to obtain any basic info at the Town Office, I called one of the individuals whose issue was scheduled on the Committee's agenda thinking he could fill me in on what happened at the meeting. Lo and Behold, he didn't even know (1) his issue had been on the November meeting's agenda as New Business or (2) that it had been on the January meeting's agenda as unfinished business.

He HAD discussed the issues originally back in early November with the Code Enforcement Officer, telling that individual the issue had been resolved and approved nearly a year ago and which meeting minutes the Officer should review. (See my concern for having the recent meeting staffed properly?) Having been at the November meeting, I didn't feel the Officer's presentation of the businessman's position was presented with the same understanding as the businessman's. Therefore, consider how important it was the businessman be aware the Committee was scheduled to review/discuss his issue AND for him to be in attendance to present his own case.

Common business practices dictate he should have been notified. Apparently such practices don't apply in Eddington.

When I talked with him today (Monday) he stated he still has been unable to find out anything regarding what when on at the Planning Committee meeting nearly one week ago because no one working at the Town Office as of last Friday knew anything and today is a holiday (MLK Day) and the Town Office is closed. Of course, the Code Enforcement Officer was in the Town Office last Thursday or Friday. He didn't contact the individual in question even as a courtesy to provide any information regarding the Committee's decision even though it was that Officer to whom the individual had made initial contact. This is what passes as Government accountability in Eddington.

Tomorrow night there will be a Selectmen's meeting (6pm at the Town Office). The businessman will be in attendance to raise a few "issues" regarding government communications. I've been asking the Selectment to post their Agenda on the Government Access Cable Channel for approximately 18 months! They continue to avoid the issue. (Heck - as of last Wednesday, Shauna didn't know what the agenda was - and she's assigned to staff Selectment meetings.)

Tomorrow's meeting should be interesting. I think I'll mention the new President's issue regarding Transparent Government. Nothing around here is transparent and it won't be until the voters start demanding it.

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