Friday, February 27, 2009

Does Eddington need a Website?

With no newspapers or local media to promote Eddington, how does this community expect to attract new business or find buyers for the numerous homes for sale? Websites help local people know what's going on in a community. Websites offer local businesses opportunities to become known to newcomers and advertise. Websites promote community activities, etc.

Eddington's percentage share in last year's school budget increase was less than Clifton's because we are experiencing a reduction of children in the school system. While that may be good in the more immediate property tax sense, it's also an indication that the town is becoming older in it's demographics. That means the town is dying.

A website is a way to promote Eddington.

Of course, we have to get the Selectmen to decide to move into the mode of promotion and transparency- something they seem reluctant to do. But it would be good for the businesses that are here. And what's good for businesses is good for the tax base because it takes some of the burden off individuals on fixed incomes trying to keep their homes while facing increased property taxes.

There was an individual who made a presentation at a Selectmen's meeting last year. He showed how a website could be developed and maintained for the town and the costs. When I shared those costs with professionals in Bangor who know that business, I was told the costs were low. But Selectman Bake thought the town could send one of the town office staff to a class to learn how to do the job for less money. Nothing happened. When I asked Mr. Baker about the status of the Website this past Fall, I was told "We've been busy." So busy, they've reduced their monthly meeting from twice a month to once a month. And there's still no website.

Seems to me, whatever is good for building the town, helping businesses in the town, and keeping Eddington vital should be a priority of the town's elected government. That's what gets the bills paid.

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