Saturday, July 18, 2009


Tonight's the night at Clewley Farm Restaurant for Tex-Mex Night - great food buffet and a great show (see the previous blog for the menu and names of singers). Fortunately, this rain is supposed to pass through by sometime this afternoon.

Tomorrow is supposed to be Perfect Weather - so don't forget the Farmer's Market at the Eddington Town Office on Route 9 (mid-way between the Eddington School and the Post Office). The crowds are increasing weekly and the vendors are really pleased which only means Good News for the Market's success - not only this year, but for continuing next year.

Blogs may be a bit sketchy over the next few weeks. My son and two of my three granddaughters are arriving tonight from California (YAHOO!) and my son is bringing someone special he wants to meet his mom (hmmmmm).

Congrats to a certain someone (can't say who - been sworn to secrecy) who's been accepted into a University of Colorado online program to become a paralegal - with plenty of grants to help pay for it. Way to go, girl!


In case you haven't noticed, the posters have been taken down from the blue house just inside West Eddington on Route 9. Sometimes just stopping and listening can accomplish a lot - plus pointing out the idea of what constant reminders of bad memories can do to a child (as well as to adults). The issue there was more than the domestic violence and the victims - but, at least the perception, that the law enforcement and justice systems had failed the victims as well. If there is any good news, the incidents occurred in Hancock County. So, as long as our deputies and those state troopers who patrol our area are on the alert, things should stay calm.

THERE IS ANOTHER STORY BREWING. Can't say more now but I will be able to pop the top soon so stay tuned. Just remember this - those who say they believe in transparency shouldn't necessarily be believed.


  1. After hearing many interesting comments about your blog spot, we decided to take the time to read through several of your writings. Needless to say, we were very disappointed in many or them. It is very evident that you have a negative opinion of municipal government and of the people empowered in the operations thereof. Your personal attacks on specific people, of whom you don't really know (if you know them at all) is vindictive, malicious and very unprofessional. this is a free country, but slander and deformation of character may some day land you in court. Every person that you attack is someone's spouse, parent, child, sibling or close friend, therefore you not only attack them, but you rile the feathers of those who love and care about them. Having live in both Eddington and Clifton, we have never had a problem with the employees at either "Town Office" and have always found them to be friendly, helpful, honest and professional. Having lived here for many years and owning homes in both towns, we have acquired many great friends in both places. The fact is that every person that we have talked to about these blog attacks, don't like them any more than we do. the adjectives that have been expressed on your behalf won't be repeated here, but judging from them, it is evident that you are making a reputation for yourself, one that we certainly wouldn't be seeking.

  2. P.S. Signature didn't get posted.

    Nancy & Dola

  3. And you are entitled to your opinion as well. Yes, people are other people's spouses etc. but when they choose to run for public office - or to be employed by the public - they become accountable TO the public and that means acting accounting to higher codes of conduct. Perhaps you might have a different opinion (or see mine) IF you attended town selectmen meetings or School Board meetings and watched and listened to the elected parties and the way they carried out their elected duties to the people. BTW - there is no slander when one is only reporting what is being done, said or carried out behind the scenes that the inattentive public never knows and fails to make itself aware of. As to other "issues", some of the information here is only being reported based on what townspeople have told me of their experiences - and while I don't name those individuals, I could and you know some of them (even if they haven't told you what they have told me).

  4. I have been attending town meetings for forty years. My years of service include twelve years as a school board member, 5 years as a Code Enforcement Officer, ten years as Trustee of a private high school, three years as a board member of the Hancock County Commissioners, 6 years as the Deputy City Clerk, City of Bangor and 7 years as Town Manager of Newburgh. Although I am unable to attend the meetings that you do I still attend several each month. As a public servant for 40 years I have learned one thing and that is that 99% of the people like you and believe you are doing a great job and the other 1% wouldn't be satisfied with anything that you do even if you kissed their feet everytime they came through the door. I know that the mmunicpal officials and employees in Eddington and Clifton are good, decent people and are doing their utmost to provide an excellent service to their customers. There are always two sides to every story and to report hearsay is not good journalism to say the least. My mother had a saying that I have found as good advice. "believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see."

  5. Your public service is commendable. And your continued interest in community government is fantastic. I can only wish more people felt and did the same. As I wrote when I started this blog - its purpose was motivated because out of 1600 registered voters in the town of Eddington, fewer than 100 (150 at the most) vote in any local election and fewer than 200-250 ever attend the Annual town Meeting. Next to no one ever attends wither Selectmen meetings or School Board meetings but every property owner pays for the services those bodies authorize.

    The shockingly low numbers of people who attend the (minimally publicized) Public Hearings for the proposed School District budgets or town budgets is beyond disgusting (even if people agreed with the costs - or understood the budgets, most have never even read the related documents before voting and that is IF they vote).

    As to what I reported based on what I was told by others - I know those who told me what I wrote and I find them and their experiences credible. I won't go into that subject any further. The bottom line is that when a person chooses to go into public service, they have to be prepared to leave personal issues and agendas outside the office. Again - in my opinion - these are not "just jobs" and some positions in the school district are extremely overpaid for (a) the duties performed, (b) the size of the district and (c) the income of the taxpayers.

    However, all that being said, I really do welcome comments AND opinions because I think the more open communication we have within our communities - particularly between government and taxpayers - the better. The more informed our citizens are regarding local issues and options the better the chance our residents have of not being forced off their property because of rising property taxes. The more we support our local businesses the better the tax base is for everyone and the less burdensome for home owners. The more we do personally to be prepared to respond to emergencies in our own small communities, the better our chances of surviving those emergencies because expecting our small, volunteer or contracted First Responder or emergency services is unrealistic.

    I was raised a Mainer and to be an active and responsible American Citizen and that doesn't mean (to me) ignoring my responsibility to hold my government accountable. At the same time, it also means (to me) that I need to be involved in participating in those ways where I can in helping my community (and government) to be what I expect it to be in whatever ways I can. I raised my children the same way and they are both positive and contributing citizens (even though not here in Maine)- and raising their children in the same manner. In my opinion, that's what will keep this country strong and independent.
