Sunday, September 20, 2009


Finally, after several intentions to stop, I paid a visit to the cow. Cute little thing. Such personality. And so well trained. The timing couldn't have been better either because I got to meet her owner, Paul. His wife of many years, "Precious", he called her, must have been in the house. But Paul and I had a bit of a chat about the cow Paul bought as a gift for Precious one year. And now, Paul knows how highly she values that gift. The cow is never allowed too close to the road for fear someone might take her. Otherwise Paul would really be up to his whazoo in stuff resembling fresh cow paddies. ;-)

If you live in Eddington, or drive through town on Route 9 from west to east during the months from Spring to Fall, you've probably noticed the cow. (She lives in the barn during winter months. She's much too delicate for Maine winters.) She resides just west of Rideout Nursery on the opposite side of the road. But she does wander. Sometimes she's at the side of the barn/garage near the house. Sometimes she's near the little, wooden, red wheelbarrow. I loved the day she was at the front door, like a dog trying to get in.

Paul says he has to paint her black spots and white body every other year. I wonder how long it takes to paint her long, black eyelashes. It's the eyelashes that let you know the cow is definitely a girly cow. And that little cocked attitude of her head. Personality personified.

It's always nice to find something along the drive that freely gives you a smile. That cow does it for me every time. So I needed to stop to say Thank You. In the process I met Paul. He's nice, too.

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