Saturday, May 1, 2010


Wednesday, May 12 is the date scheduled for the SAD 63 Public Hearing for the proposed 2010-2011 School Budget. It will be held at the Eddington School. Last I heard it was scheduled to begin at 5:30pm. Unless that time was changed at the School Board meeting last Monday, which this writer missed unfortunately, 5:30PM should prove to be an interesting time to see how many people show up.

A conversation with someone from Holden the other day was "enlightening" when the subject of the Business Manager's position came up. This person, I'll call her "X" felt the reason why the Board hasn't attempted to recruit a replacement for Ms. Mitchell, whose $75,000 contract expires June 30, 2010, is that the new Interim Superintendent, Dave Anderson, doesn't know anything about the business office or budget. Which begs the question as to how he is going to supervise her or that office, the budget, the expenditures, etc? And anyone who has been in the room when any kind of question has been directed to Mitchell knows the antagonistic response - and lack of detailed information anyone has ever requested (or has a right to receive).

Members of the School Board certainly do not know in any consistent detail how the money is spent.

Members of the School Board certainly do not require detailed monthly Financial Reports - nor do they review, in any detail, the Financial Reports they do receive.

Members of the School Board certainly do not verify the Business Manager actually works in the Business Office 40 hours a week.

Members of the School Board do not even appear to expect the Business Manager to verify the data she puts in the annual projected budget (as shown by her own admission of the error in the salaries and wages in the 2009-2010 Maintenance Workers which is why the new budget shows an increase).

The Business Manager's contract that expires June 30, 2010 provides (1) more paid vacation than many department heads who have been with the district longer than she has, (2) more paid health insurance than the principals, and (3) even a higher salary than one principal (and principals supervise many teachers while the BM supervises, at best, two people).

While the teachers, students and taxpayers are going to experience significant financial sacrifices for the coming year, under the proposed budget, there are NO proposed financial sacrifices for the Business Manager (other than no more $5,000.00 annual bonus AFTER June 30, 2010) or Central Services Office. Talk about the tail wagging the dog.

While Eddington's Board of Selectmen found cuts to the town budget to keep the property taxes close to last year's level, the School Board (aka the Business Manager) with significant help from the Financial Advisory Board (aka CITIZENS) cut a proposed $800,000 increase to an increase close to $300,000. (With no cut in the new contract for the Business Manager or her part-time bookkeeper because Hart wouldn't hear of it!).

Bangor School District is reporting a 1 percent increase. SAD 63 is talking about maybe 7 percent. Looks like a NO vote may be in order come May 12 and then again in June. It's time the Dog barked loud and clear.

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