Saturday, July 11, 2009

More HAPPENINGS Around the Area

I trust you all received the First issue of the Eddington Newsletter. They were in the mail on Monday, July 6. People receiving mail at the Eddington Post Office had the Newsletter the following day. (Thanks, Ron.) Interesting tidbits on Hunting Seasons.

I'm told the plan is to have quarterly issues so maybe we'll see columns from the Fire Chief and something from the Planning Board in the next issue. I did find it interesting to read that "municipal officers are not required by statute (my emphasis) to post an agenda or keep minutes of the meetings." Well then, perhaps we need to pass such a statute locally at the Next Town Meeting (March of 2010) because the right thing for any elected representative body of the people, by the people and for the people (to quote Abraham Lincoln) is to keep The People informed of what their elected government is doing.

After all, it is We, The People who elected those municipal officers to those seats of representation in the first place and those municipal officers do work for us. I expect any one of us who ever ran a company or had a supervisory position expected to be kept informed of what our employees were doing. Same principle in my book. And the "payment" is not the fee the municipal officers receive, it is the power and authority granted by the votes of the people, albeit very few votes in this town. Without knowledge of the business being conducted in our name (and for which we pay via our taxes whether or not we vote - or are allowed to vote - aka the people who own summer residences but are not Eddington residents) there is no accountability. Just one more reason why people need to attend and listen to the business conducted at Selectmen meetings, Planning Board meetings, and School Board meetings, and why the agendas of those meetings should be published in advance. That way anyone interested in hearing how the business of the agenda items is conducted can speak to the issues, even if only in the allocated Public Access portion of the meetings. You don't suppose that's why the agendas aren't published in advance, do you - so that no one will show up to speak (even in their allocated slots at the very beginning or the very end of the meeting but never spontaneously during the discussion of a particular agenda item).


Karen Clark is interested in forming a Book Club in the Eddington-Clifton area. She is creating a Survey Form that will be available in various locations. People can fill out the form where the forms are available and leave the completed forms in a specially designated box for collection.

Members of the Book Club will decide on the format of the club - whether everyone will read the same book and then gather to discuss it at a group gathering (time and place to be determined by the members), and then proceed to the next book, etc. - or - for different books to be read by the members simultaneously and then discussed in the group (perhaps with a synopsis and recommendation).

Survey forms will be available at Clewley Farm Restaurant and other locations to be announced within the next two weeks.


  1. Rusty, you may have noticed that one-half of the back page of the newsletter was devoted to advertising the town's website that is now up and running, If you check out the Planning Board section, you'll see the agenda for the upcoming meeting posted, as well as previous meeting minutes. You'll also see a lot of town ordinances and other documents. Lots of information is now available on this volunteer-built website, and it will be continually improved upon.

  2. Thanks for the Note, Gretchen. Actually - I hadn't noticed that important piece of info on the back page (only the "still in progress" note under the Special Notice on the lower half). Again, a particular :-) to you and Craig for getting that website up and running. It's been one of my "issues" for nearly two years - that the town needed more communication venues. Maybe we can get the Website activation up on the Town Office sign periodically as an alternative to the Farmer's Market notification (the market will be in operation through Sept. 27 and I certainly hope we'll see something on the Town Office sign other than the Farmer's Market info before then).

  3. This is in regards to your blog of June 29th regarding the Clifton Town Office personnel. I also work in a small town. I'm curious if it's only a few people wh feel they've been "offended" or "dissed" by the Clifton Town Office personnel. If this is the case, could it be a personality conflict between the customer and the office crew? I know that working in a small town isn't easy. If there's a personality conflict between these people involved than it won't matter how well the customer is treated...they'll still leave the town office with a bad taste in their mouth.

  4. I don't think it's just a few people - even though the ones who talked to me re: that particular problem chose not to comment here (but they did talk to me after the posting). It is possible there is a personality problem between the individualities; however, when one is paid to serve the public (who is paying that person's salary via their taxes) it seems to me the public employee should put her job before her personal agenda. Telling a member of the public she/he will have to come into the office to get a question answered because the employee is too busy answering phones (ridiculous - but that was one of the problems voiced)...

    Suffice it to say, the item has brought the issue to the attention of the people who need to know. Now it's up to those who can do something about it - and the people who had the problems who can take up their issues in a manner that will get action (if people want to get action instead of just complaining).

    My position is clear, too, I think. Public servants/employees need to rise above petty and inappropriate behavior. I say this because I was a public servant for a long time. I know both sides of the "counter" but it's the taxpayers who are the employers. If they're being unreasonable, the employee can and should call for a supervisor - not show poor performance.

  5. Along the same lines I would like to let you and your readers that the Comins Hall web site is now up and rumming. Mt husband and I are putting it together and would welcome comments. It isin its early stages and we have alot more to add. Maps, photos and historical info are just some of the items that will show up in the next few weeks. On the contacts page you will find the webmaster email. Please view the page and lets us know how we can improve it. Thanks, Therese

  6. Sorry about the tyos - I didn't have my glasses on when I typed it!

  7. Thanks for the info. Guess I'll need to do a special blog with just the names/news of the new websites in town. This is really good news for Eddington - without a newspaper, our blogs and websites are the only way we can get the wood out about what's happening in town. Now if we could just find a way to let the summer people know about the blogs and websites...

    And Thanks for readings and commenting.
