Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Went to see the new release, "The Help", yesterday afternoon at the Bangor Mall Cineplex. FANTASTIC movie - for adults interested in story and characters more than 'special effects.'

With the exception of the final Harry Potter movie during the first week of release, I have never seen a theater so full at a mid-afternoon Matinee as it was for "The Help" yesterday (the 3:20p.m. showing). Nor have I seen so many people over the age of 30 at one showing. (Maybe it shows that we adults WILL go to a movie theater if it is intelligent, mature and well-written.) For certain, this is well written and well acted with a real story to tell. Maybe that explains why, at the conclusion, the audience CLAPPED - close to one full minute! When was the time at any recent movie that happened? Maybe that says as much for the movie-goers as it does for the movie. Time was when audiences regularly clapped at the end of a good movie. Not so much any more. Maybe that says something, too.

Anyone over the age of 50 will remember many of the historical events referenced during the course of the movie. It was a time... not to be forgotten. For those too young to know, just one more reason to see this movie.

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