Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Sign! - The Sign! :-)

Kudos to whoever at the Eddington Town Office has been responsible for getting up the notices for the Selectmen Meeting and the NEW date for the Planning Board Meeting on June 2! Way to Go (Russell, probably). When there's news of activities on the sign it makes our community look vital - active. Now all we need is people to start attending these meetings and participate! With the possibility of a FARMERS' MARKET COMING - we could be exciting. Be still my heart.

After the news I received this morning from a caller in Clifton about the affairs down there, it was enough to think the cockatil hour might need to start early. What is it about people who get elected to public office and then think they don't need to honor that public trust? Certainly doesn't sound like what the Founding Fathers and Mothers pledged their lives and all their worldly goods to fight for. There are days when I could just cry for what we seem to have become as citizens and yet, these are probably the same people who would stand up and rant and rave about illegal immigrants who would (and often do) give their lives to come to (and fight for) this country. SHAME on those elected officers who think they do not have a responsibility to communicate TO THE PEOPLE - BE ACCOUNTABLE to the people - RECOGNIZE the RIGHTS of the people who out them in office in the first place. It's not just God who giveith and taketh away. They just need to figure out who and where the bad apples are.


  1. Along those lines. . .hopefully in a few months the sign will advertise the town's website! Yesterday was the first more official meeting I had with the Town Manager and Craig, one of the firefighters interested in helping build a real website. We reserved a domain name at and are working on picking a hosting place. It costs $125/yr to have a .gov address, and as little as $5/month for a hosting site. Craig and I are going to be teaching ourselves Wordpress in order to make the site, so it will start out as something fairly basic - a place for news, links, and minutes & agendas for the Selectmen and Planning Board. Wordpress was originally designed to build blogs, but it can be used for websites, and it's FREE. We shall see how it goes!

  2. GREAT NEWS! You may be interested to know that there is a Clifton, Maine website also - started and maintained by a Clifton Selectman. You can check out his blog site at He started his blog for the same reasons I started mine.

    BTW, he may be contacting you re: the Shoreland ZOne map you have developed for Eddington. They need to do one for Clifton and the Ordinance someone developed for that town must have been block & copied out of some place near a coast town since it currently references seawalls (???) and would prohibit such noise levels that would outlaw shooting/hunting. As for a Map - don't think they have one.
