Monday, June 1, 2009

Is it Hunting Season?

This evening around 8:10 ca flock of geese landed on the NW section of Davis Pond. I know this because my brother who lives in that area heard them and made it a point to call me thinking I might see some of them if I went out on my front deck. He also commented he'd heard a gunshot shortly after hearing the geese land - but he wasn't sure of the location of the gunfire.

I went out on my front deck. Being on the Eddington side (North) I found it more than disconcerting to clearly hear six shots from the SE side of the Pond - the Holden side. I could also hear children's voices on the SW side of the Pond. Don't know what the shooters were trying to hit - deer, geese, ducks or ? (we have deer in these woods) but it seems to me this isn't hunting season for anything. Anyone knowing the Warden or Code Enforement Officer in Holden might suggest a bit of night patrol is in order.


  1. Ah yes my dear, sometimes we target shoot, it is coyote and turkey season

  2. As long as no one shoots any of the 16 wild turkeys that came callin' in my driveway this winter. This place is intentionally call "Haven". As for coyotes... Go For it.

    I expect there are no wolves in this area - because I do care about wolves - and red foxes.

    BTW, about a month ago I found the first (half) of a set of antlers naturally left behind by a "gentleman caller" for the ladies who stayed in my woods and my brothers during the winter months. I thought that was a lovely gift - the bone (4 points) so smooth to my touch. This past Sunday while helping my brother remove the tarp from his boat I spotted the other half - right where the "ladies" had slept evenings. (Guess there was a bit more than sleeping going on in the woods ....) So now I have the full rack - all 8 points sitting on top of my living room bookcase - and no deer was killed for this beautiful trophy. Maybe they were left in thanks for the peaceful haven we provide (and the multitude of acorns they rooted up, not to mention the landscape they "pruned".). :-) They will always be welcome here - All of God's creatures Great and Small.
