Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Odds & Ends & School Data

People interested in contacting Lore Lipkvich re: The Eddington Farmers' Market (vendors and volunteers to help organize and promote the market) can reach her at: or at (207) 537-5673. Her licensed goat's milk products (cheese, soap, milk, yogurt, ice cream and kids) come from The Farm on the Banks of Tannery Brook, Mariaville, ME.

We are looking for a MEAT VENDOR, a SEAFOOD VENDOR, a BAKER VENDOR and local area farmed vegetable and fruit vendors willing to commit to be at the Market every Sunday for the 3 hours it will be open for business.


Interested in knowing how much taxpayers in Eddington, Clifton, and Holden are currently paying for the education of its children/students?

Consider this: Clifton has 158 students in the SAD63 system (K-12), Eddington has 314 (K-12) and Holden has 473 (K-12). There are 2 students in the system under "Superintendents' Agreements" (which means the students come from other districts and their districts pay their tuitions to SAD63.) Within this 947 population, are 162 Special Education/Special Needs students - all paid by SAD63 taxpayers.

For the 947 students (total number), the cost per student for the year under the 2008-2009 budget has been $9,767. ($9,248,961 divided by 947 = $9,766.59)

Under the proposed budget for 2009-2010, the cost per student for the year will be $10,008. ($9,478,014 divided by 947 = $10,008.46) - Ten Thousand dollars per student for one year! They should all be ready for Harvard University at this cost!

If what I hear turns out to be true, there should be quite a showing tomorrow night at the Holbrook School (7pm). Even the Eddington Town Office sign is announcing the meeting and states "Please Attend."

I hope people do. Otherwise voters will not know how to vote the "uniquely worded" ballot on June 9. And that's a fact!


  1. Its funny, I can't image the wage paid for a part time clerk. And now she has contracted out payroll, Chris always did that. Wow

  2. I was advised tonight that the company that's been doing the payroll will be "unavailable" soon (don't know if they're leaving the area or going out of business or ???) but whatever, the payroll responsibilities will be in the Business manager's office then. What will she do? The computer system right there in SAD63 Central Office has the ability to DO payroll. It just needs to be programed to do it. And it can produce Projected Budget Reports for the School Board in the SAME format as it already produces the monthly Finance Reports that she can't provide for months on end! Can someone explain that to me? What is she doing for the money we're paying her??? When there are so many excuses for doing none of the duties and responsibilities of the position, one should be very concerned re: the credibility of anything we are being told.

    AND - where is the AUDIT report for 2007-2008? that was asked for at the May 13 Public Meeting and the same Business Manager said it was unavailable because of something to do with the lawsuit. Excuse me?! Those should be Public Documents. What is going on with OUR Tax Dollars?
