Monday, January 11, 2010


The following emails were exchanged betweed this writer and the legal representative for the SAD 63 School Board, Bryon Dench, following word of the settlement that was reached, and agreed upon, between the Board and former (terminated) School Superintendent Louise Regan.

I did request and receive written authorization from Mr. Dench to print this information on this blog.

" To: Dench, Bryan M.
Subject: A Note of Appreciation
Dear Bryon,
This is just to let you and your staff know how much I as a citizen and taxpayer appreciate the work you and your staff did in defending the SAD 63 School Board and certain individual members. While I and many of my neighbors and townspeople were not pleased the Board decided to settle with Ms. Regan and her legal counsel, instead of at least going through the hearing process with the Commissioner of Education where we sincerely believe you would have prevailed, we believe you did everything and more we could have asked or hoped for.
Thank you again. It was a pleasure to watch you work.
Ms. Rusty Gagnon, M.A.
Eddington, Maine"

"Thank you kindly, Rusty. I appreciate your gracious sentiment. You and your fellow citizens should know the board acted wisely and settled on my advice. Although I too am confident the board did nothing unjustified, and that had the Commissioner reviewed the merits of our appeal she would have agreed the board had cause to take the actions it did, there were enormous costs involved in continuing, both financial and human costs. It was my recommendation to settle the case. It is my belief the board acted prudently in so doing.

I hope that you enjoyed Christmas and please accept my best wishes for the New Year.
Kindest regards,

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