Thursday, May 6, 2010


Congratulations to Gretchen Haldeman - who isn't Gretchen Haldeman any longer. One would have thought all those cars parked at the Eddington Elementary School Tuesday night were overflow parking for Gretchen's wedding. (It was really the Spring concert at the school.) And then there was the Public Hearing down at the Town Office. For sure, the wedding was literally the "topping" on the cake.

Best Wishes to the Bride and Groom.


  1. Thanks Rusty! We had a very fun time!

    For future last name is NOT the same as the fellow from's Heldmann :-)

    Thanks for your posts keeping us updated, especially on the school - I know I have too many meetings already to try and fit those in as well so I appreciate your posts.

  2. So are you NOW Heldmann? Whatever your last name, you are a definite contribution and benefit to the town.

  3. Always have been Heldmann and am keeping my name for now :) Thanks for the kind words!

