Wednesday, October 20, 2010


From my incoming emails TODAY:

"IAVA (Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America) Action Fund just released its 2010 Congressional Report Card – and we want you to be the first to check it out. This critical tool shows who in Congress took action for new veterans and who was full of hot air.

The grades are not good. The Report Card shows just how little Congress accomplished for Iraq and Afghanistan vets this year. Out of 535 legislators, only 20 legislators earned an A+, and more than a third of Congress earned Ds and Fs.

Check here to see if your Senators and Representative made the D List or the Dean’s List. (I did. Checked out both of our Senators and Representatives. See results below.)

Congress showed promise for vets in the first half of this session, but by the second half, everything went downhill.

They failed to achieve real reform in our three most critical areas: improving the outdated VA disability claims process, upgrading the Post-9/11 GI Bill and helping vets find jobs in a tough economy.

As we head into the midterm elections, Americans must hold Congress accountable for their voting record. Vets can’t wait for the gridlock to clear in Washington. IAVA Action Fund is keeping our nation's lawmakers honest, and ensuring that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans remain a priority on Capitol Hill. This is what the Report Card is all about.

Check out the Report Card now to find out if your elected officials flunked this session.

This Report Card brings veterans’ issues back into the national dialogue before the midterm elections and shows Americans who really has our backs.


Paul Rieckhoff
Executive Director and Founder
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Action Fund (IAVA)

Both Maine Senators Collins and Snowe earned "B" grades. Mike Michaud also earned a "B" grade. Chellie Pingree earned a "C" grade.

If America signs a contract with our men and women promising certain benefits if they will put their lives on the line to defend our country and freedoms, is not our country responsible for fulfilling that country when they come home? Even if they come home more wounded than the "experts" projected or than we expected the enemy to be able to achieve? If our elected government's word isn't worth the paper the "contracts" are printed on, what does that say about our government? Our country?

At least Maine's representatives aren't in the "D" and "F" range. Wonder where John Boehner and Mitch McConnell ranked?

1 comment:

  1. I checked today on John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. Both received scores of "D". IAVA sent a second email with the access link so I took the chance and was able to look them up. It was interesting to look up Barbara Boxer, too. She's in a tight race in Southern California. Her score was "A" while Diane Feinstein's score was "C". Both are Democrats, BTW. And Feinstein comes from the Northern California Region and is on the Senate Armed Services Committee. Interesting.
