Saturday, April 11, 2009


Tonight's the night! It should be a full house - seems to be a bigger crowd every time she's there and the new menu is a real hit. What with Bob's plan for tonight's big announcement - probably after the first break - people are going to want to get there early! Two weeks ago there wasn't a seat or table by 8pm. The crowd that seems to be "the regulars" get there around 6pm to wander up to the bar or out to the lounge or get dinner because Dola starts the show at 7pm and the from that point on you never know what's going to happen!!!

There are two bottle drives going on - one at Comins Hall and another one at the Bradley/Eddington Church parking lot for Cub Scout Pack 23. No reason to waste those bottles on the so-called recycling trash pick-up when the Bangor Recycling Center doesn't recycle glass (!!) and charges Eddington to sort out the glass from the stuff delivered to the BRC. Even though the Town Office posts glass as being acceptable (on the government access cable channel) - according to BRC, it isn't. So donate to the scouts and help everybody.

The Eddington Town Office has a notice on the front sign that a CPR class is being offered early May (I think the 2nd or the 4th). You need to call to reserve a space - so call now - Town Office 843-5233. You may need to call the Fire Dept., 843-5251. (I admit that I didn't write it down - driving by and focused on the road don'cha know). Knowing how to do CPR - or taking a refresher course is a really good thing. You never know when or where you might need the knowledge - or whose life you might save. Emergencies happen all the time and everywhere.

Did you know that Clifton has a Public Library located in the Clifton Town Office? - 135 Airline Road. Librarian is Carolyne Baker. Really nice library and easy on the rules. It's open on Wednesdays from 1:30pm to 7pm.

Have a Happy Easter everyone. I noticed that the service at the Eddington Community Church will be at 9:15am (instead of the normal time of 10:15, I guess) and they are serving an Easter breakfast. This information is posted on the sign in front of the church which is great - easy to read. And a Blessed Passover to our Jewish neighbors as well.


  1. Hi - I just want to clarify one point. Unless Bangor has changed their system in the last year, the City of Bangor uses glass as fill in road repairs and other public works projects. I've been in the recycling center and seen the pile of glass. The reason they don't recycle is because (at least they claim) the volume of glass is not sufficient for making money in the market. I don't know what you mean by "[BRC] charges Eddington to sort out the glass from the stuff delivered to the BRC." If I am reading that correctly, Bangor is seriously ripping towns off around here. I agree that the bottle drives are a better way to recycle glass bottles (at least those with deposits - why would anyone just throw those in the recycling bin anyway?) than sending them to Bangor.

  2. Joshua, If you were to see the monthly statements the Town Office receives from BRC (which I have copies of), you would see where Eddington's rebate from BRC (for the recycled items sent to BRC) has a debit for the glass sent. And yet, the Town Office continues to state on Channel 7 that glass is one of the acceptable items that can be included in the recycling "Blue Box" collection items. The Debit is what I am refering to when I say BRC charges Eddington for glass sent to BRC. In fact, during the meeting the Eddington Recycling Committee had with Jerry Hughes from BRC (I was the committee Chair), Jerry clearly stated BRC does not have a market for glass and does not recycle glass. And yet, the Eddington Town Office refuses to change the information it sends out to people re: placing glass in the recycling bins.
