Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Song and Dance Men Galore

I've been out and about and reporters have been calling. Seems it's Mr. Bojangles time around here and that's not all that good unless you're into hat tricks and shell games.

Working backwards - I went to the SAD63 School Board meeting last night. Quite a few more people there than the last meeting I attended. More than just the three school principals and standard bearers that is. All three Eddington Board members were present along with Chairman Varnum and Superintendent Hart. But there were several interested citizens and taxpayers and an individual who appeared to be one of the attorneys for the never-ending, on-going lawsuit re: the former school superintendent. I sure hope he didn't think attending the meeting constituted "bill-able hours" since, according to information provided last night, the suit has already cost the district $219,750.87 - of which the first insurance policy has paid $61,345.10 (and the board thought the poilicy was only for $50,000.). It is believed there is a second insurance policy but no one seemed to know where it is or how much coverage the policy might provide! It's being "researched".

I asked where the money was coming from to pay these legal costs (attorney costs, filing costs, depositions, etc.), Superintendent Hart stated that some of the money came from the fees for which his position was previously budgeted but that he was not being paid. (He was hired on a part-time basis but the position was budgeted on a full-time basis; however, my understanding was that the previous position was funded at close to $100,000. so that doesn't account for enough money to pick up the difference between the insurance policy and the billed charges to date.)

AND THE END IS NOT NECESSARILY IN SIGHT. It seems that the costs to date are only to have the case in front of a federal district judge with a petition for a Summary Judgement (which mean a request to review the previous superintendent's allegations and to find them to be without merit and therefore to throw them out of court. This would mean the School Board would, in essence, win - not have to defend its actions.) BUT - if the judge does not grant the Summary Judgement, Battle On - and the costs continue - onward and upward. And who do you think is going to be expected to pay for this? You and me, folks. Because even though the individuals on the School Board who are responsible for this mess are not individually (financially) responsible for paying the bill, they assured us at the Public Hearing for the 2008-09 School Budget that the cost of this law suit would be paid for by the insurance policy held by the School Board/District and didn't need to be included in the school budget. If you were there last year you will remember this discussion. Apparently they didn't know what they were talking about. Guess they were assuming.

Maybe that is why there has been no Financial Report provided at the last two School Board meetings. And none was provided last night.

There WILL BE a Budget and Financial Committee Meeting on April 30th at 6pm at the Holbrook School. At that time, we have been assured by Chairman Varnum, a Year-to-Date Financial Report will be issued and anyone present who wants a copy will be provided one. In light of the information above, and the state of the state's fiscal situation, anyone who wants a preview of the 2009-10 SAD63 School Budget might want to attend the April 30th meeting.

Seems to me, individuals elected to a public position and who sit on a budget and financial committee involving millions of taxpayer dollars have a fiduciary responsibility to provide regular public reports and to maintain fiscal accountability. To do less raises questions of MALFEASANCE. And then there are questions as to why the School Board doesn't review all proposed contracts BEFORE they are approved or signed since such contracts involved financial commitments...especially when said contracts involve Bonuses. You haven't heard about Bonuses before. Neither had I - until last night and it wasn't from a School Board member, you can be sure. (And the music plays on.)


Seems our Fireman/Legislator Ben Pratt was quite the hit at the Benefit Concert. Some people thought it pretty impressive to see he could play the guitar AND play the harmonica all at the same time. Too bad there were so few people in attendance. I'm told only about 70 or so folks attended. I'll have to see what the proceeds turned out to be because the music was mighty fine.

More later. There's a Planning Board meeting tonight (as far as I know).


  1. Rusty,

    I would like to talk to about using your blog for the coming SAD 63 budget. I enjoyed talking to you and finding someone who has an interest and concern about the area we live in.

    My address is
    Richard Oravetz
    25 Stonegate Dr.
    Holden ME 04429

    I enjoyed our conversation at the School Board Meeting.

    Please call or email me with your contact information.

    Thank you

    Richard Oravetz

  2. As we just discussed, it will be interesting should the School Board try to avoid providing the promised Financial Report tomorrow night. Even the Eddington Town Manager has expressed interest in seeing that report. Should it not be provided, I shall make a point of putting all of this information On The Record at the May 5 Eddington Selectmen's meeting.

  3. I also will be surprised if the budget is presented to the community for review and, more importantly, how they are assigning the costs of this outrageous litigation and associated costs. The question should be asked what are we up to now and what are future projected costs i.e. if it goes through the full appeals process with the court system. These board members have violated their fiduciary responsibilities to their elected positions and to the community at large. To date, it seems that they have not come up with a palatable reason for firing Regan who had the district finances in the black and the schools were performing academically. It makes one wonder whether this action was filed for personal vendetta purposes by one or more board members with the rest of the board being led by their noses into this costly litigation and not having the backbone to stand up to the mavericks who put personal interest before the interest of students and the community at large. Go get 'um and do some real investigating reporting.

  4. Thanks for your input. I do have some more information re: the case (which I've not seen reported in the BDN - maybe some people are more inclined to talk to me or it's the way I "gather" info. You'll have to come to your own conclusions.) Check todays blog - 5/1 for the latest.
